Munich Startups List

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Meet 13 finance View everyone

ID 414943

Didier Beltai-Menth

ID 280742

Katharina Auer

ID 430779

Romain PAYET

Worked at @goetzpartners-corporate-finance • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley, @essec-business-school-paris

ID 113890

Robert Hurst


Founder @audio-network • Worked at @pwc-1, @pearson • Studied at @insead-1, @university-of-bath

ID 194905

Wolfram Teetz

Bonn CS, Startup CEO in Germany, Retina Implant, Chemistry, Life science IT, GO-Bio, HTGF VC

ID 467036

Mona Siewert

easy secure wifi for free // Co-Founder @airfy & @airberry

ID 372429

Daniel Khachab

Exited first start up in High School, Emerging Market fanatic, Ex Rocket Internet, I want so I can

ID 491004

Markus Schmaus

Genuine data scientist; Highly intelligent with outstanding technical knowledge; Experienced in output oriented work at McKinsey and Airbnb.

ID 451679

Julian Peters

Founder @jaimie-jacobs • Worked at @procter-gamble-2, @bank-of-america-merrill-lynch, @goetzpartners-corporate-finance • Studied at @bocconi-university, @babson-college, @rotterdam-school-of-management

ID 319998

Markus Kaiser

Co-Founder, Interim Manager; European Markets

ID 161236

Christian Damke

Founder @Skoobe_de • Worked at @bertelsmann-ag, @the-boston-consulting-group • Studied at IESE, @brunel-university • Loves working with great people, implementing a vision.

ID 441997

Christian Ketterer

Founder @christian-ketterer

ID 490572


Founded aFlattr (Replaced with, Founded SeeTheProgress UG...

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