Munich Startups List

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ID 289550

Stefan Levko

Freelance COO/CFO and consultant atm working in Berlin, Munich and Cologne for founders and companies that don´t want to get distracted from their focus.

ID 481399

Robert Hollerbach

ID 144591

Martin Sprengseis

ID 36989

Bartosz Kalinowski

ID 467036

Mona Siewert

easy secure wifi for free // Co-Founder @airfy & @airberry

ID 68066

Kirill Sermyagin

Founder and CEO of Strong business background (from startups to multibillion tournover, IT and Ops, internet). BSc in Moscow State University

ID 476743

Filip Juric

Fast-moving quick learner. Business student at the University of Munich looking for an internship. International experience. Getting the job done well.

ID 448089

Maxim Roubintchik

Founder @orceo-media. Former editor in chief of Gizmodo germany - former Head of social media at One Advertising AG. Developer of,,

ID 488436

Lucas Frischmann

I'm working in the sales and product team. So i realize the wishes from our customers... Specialist in: Google AdWords, Microsoft Advertising, some SaaS Tools..

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